The asphalt pavement industry has a long history of incorporating reclaimed asphalt pavement (RAP) and other recycled materials – including recycled tire rubber, slags, recycled asphalt shingles (RAS), glass, and even pig manure -- right back into the mix, creating a strong foundation for a circular economy.
NAPA, in partnership with the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), quantifies the use of these technologies through an annual survey. The full reports include state-by-state breakdowns of recycled materials usage.
ASPHALT MIX PRODUCERS: Help us gather 2024 construction season data! Complete these surveys by June 2, 2025.
Get even more information on RAP and WMA – download these PDFs!
RAP Benefits for Pavement Owners
Recycling By the Numbers
2.6 Million Metric Tons The amount of CO2e spared from the atmosphere in 2021 through the use of reclaimed asphalt pavement (RAP) in new mixtures—up 0.3 MMT from the previous year
94.6 Million Tons The amount of reclaimed asphalt pavement (RAP) recycled into new mixes in 2021—an 8.74% increase over the previous year
95% The percentage of asphalt mixture reclaimed from old asphalt pavements and put back to use in new pavements in 2021—up from 93% the previous year
630,000 Tons The amount of recycled asphalt shingles (RAS) put to use into asphalt mixes in 2021—up 8% from the previous year
26 Million Barrels The amount of virgin asphalt binder that was replaced by recycled binder from RAP and RAS in 2021—up 2 million barrels from the previous year
Past Annual Surveys
2022 Mix Production Survey (13th Annual)
2021 Mix Production Survey (12th Annual)
2020 Mix Production Survey (11th Annual)
2019 Mix Production Survey (10th Annual)
2018 Mix Production Survey (9th Annual)
2017 Mix Production Survey (8th Annual)
2016 Mix Production Survey (7th Annual)
2015 Mix Production Survey (6th Annual)
2014 Mix Production Survey (5th Annual)
2013 Mix Production Survey (4th Annual)
2012 Mix Production Survey (3rd Annual)